I love love LOVE learning what people have learned in their years of life. It’s just incredible how different (yet similar somehow) that people’s stories are. It makes me want to ask literally every single human to tell me what their life take-aways are. I think maybe I just might…
Today’s wisdom comes to you from Ashley Boyd, the sister of Brent (my brother in-soul-law) and a third of the #NYEinNYC trio. Ashley is a complete and total adventurer. She has traveled the world wide, and when Rach and I asked if she wanted in on NYC, she said yes within minutes of us asking. #ADVENTURER
I’ve known Ashley for about as I’ve known her brother and if I know one thing about her, it’s that she’s loves her family, and she loves her friends. Okay, that’s two things. Ashley’s lessons learned are such a great reminder to me that relationships matter, and they matter infinitely. And on a less infinite yet very practical sense, so does getting my oil changed.
1. Live loved. Fight to receive love, it's different and often harder than giving love.
2. Laughter is truly and hugely important.
3. There ARE such things as stupid questions, and in some cases you shouldn't ask them.
4. On the flip side, asking good questions is an art form. (My closest friends ask the best questions).
5. Moving your body will always make you feel better, especially when all you want to do is take a nap.
6. Genuinely, the joy of the Lord is my strength.
7. Comparison actually is the thief of joy.
8. ALWAYS put your phone down at dinner, even when eating by yourself.
9. Don't start dating someone during your first semester of college.
10. It's ok, to not be OK. Give yourself grace and allow yourself to feel.
11. Basing decisions solely off feelings is not always wise. Facts matter.
12. Being intentional with friends and/or strangers is ALWAYS worth it, even if it feels exhausting.
13. Be well prepared for EVERY interview.
14. People do strange things.
15. Worship unashamedly.
16. It's crucial to forever remain teachable.
17. Handwritten thank you notes are extremely powerful.
17. Fight long and hard for important relationships.
18. Pain is never meaningless.
19. Time heals, but God both heals and restores.
20. Harboring anger or unforgiveness is exhausting.
21. Heartache is a horrible kind of pain. Sometimes the simple acknowledgment from others that heartache sucks, is all that is needed.
22. Travel when possible. Getting to know the locals and their culture is one of the greatest gifts in traveling.
23. Getting your oil changed in time matters.
24. Traveling long distances to see loved ones is worth the sacrifices made to get there.
25. Your body actually starts to hurt more, the older you get. Adults weren't lying!
PS. The pic above is of Ashley, the horse whisperer, working out at a ranch in Colorado. No big.