So a week or so ago I blogged about the 27 (and a half) things I feel like I've acquiesced so far in my twenty-seven years of life. I've been so intrigued by this whole idea, these lessons that we learn that stick with us throughout our lives, that I've asked my friends what they feel like they've learned in their varying years of life.
In the spirit of Christmas (well not so much Christmas, mostly just vacation and free time), I'm about to share the first of what I hope are many life lessons coming to you from the people that have most intimately shaped and influenced by life.
First up is Holly.
Holly is my longest standing roomie. If you know me then you may know I've had circa twenty roommates in the last nine years (not counting summer roomies). So Holly has pretty much reached master class roommate status; we're going on 2 years, 4 months strong:) In an effort to tell the whole story which really just means the honest story, I have to tell you this: I very recently hurt Holly. Inadvertently, but very real-ly. And the way Holly handled the whole thing I think has been the most groundbreaking thing that's happened for me in our friendship in our six or seven years of knowing each other. I like to think I have an easy time talking about my feelings and that I'm usually pretty considerate of other people's, too. If I'm honest (which I'm trying to be), I think pretty highly of my ability to communicate openly and honestly within relationships. Such was definitely not the case recently. And let me tell you, Holly handled the whole thing like a champ. And by champ I mean, she was honest, humble, gracious, and forgiving. The Lord really used my major communication snafu with Holly to expose and break down some deep, DEEP seeded layers of self-righteousness and pride in my heart, areas in my life where I consciously or subconsciously have come to believe that I'm basically the shit. I, in fact, am not the shit and have been so reminded that any character trait or personality trait or any goodness in me that I like or that others like is a result of Him cultivating that in me. Instead of that always leading me to God worship, it recently led me to self-worship, and unfortunately Holly was the recipient of the collateral damage caused my total thoughtlessness.
The point in me sharing all of that is to say this: number 26 on this list is no joke. I've seen Holly live it out in her life, and I'm a better human for it. And really, I've seen Holly live out all of these things she's learned (perks of roommate-ship). There's always a bag of to-go chips at our house if Holly has had Mexican in the last few nights, she (we) do love a good Friends episode anytime, anywhere, and she always sticks to her word. If she says she'll be there, she'll be there.
So without further adieu (sorry, that was a way longer adieu than I had anticipated), here are 26 things that Holly has learned in her 26 years of life...
1. DishwashING detergent and diswashER detergent provide very different results when used in a dishwasher...
2. Always ask for a bag of to-go chips. And drinks for that matter.
3. No high school can adequately prepare you for the rigor of college.
4. Nobody really cares what your GPA was.
5. The only score that really matters is your credit score.
6. Don't stop playing sports.
7. Spending money on experiences is always worth it.
8. Finding your identity in Christ is the only one that holds up. Finding it anywhere else will only disappoint.
9. Friends and Gilmore Girls will never get old.
10. Showing up is one of the best gifts you can give.
11. Do it — even if you're just doing it for the resume. But realize you have some heart change that needs to happen.
12. If he's not asking you out, it's because he doesn't want to.
13. Just use the gel pens — even if they're too pretty, and you don't want them run out. They'll just dry up instead.
14. Quality not quantity.
15. Using olive oil sounds fancy even though it's the lazy way of cooking. (Most of the time for me at least. For example, pasta tossed in olive oil).
16. Be nice to the secretaries. They hold all the power.
17. Learn to read an actual map. Don't always rely on technology. It will fail you sooner or later.
18. Memorize at least a couple of phone numbers (like your mom's).
19. Say thank you. Out loud or in a note. Gratitude goes a long way.
20. Keep your word. If you said you'd go to the party, go!
21. Spend time with people — even when you're tired.
22. As a working adult, leave the house before 7PM in the winter, or you won't leave.
23. Always keep a coat in your car.
24. FOMO is real. Don't let it get the best of you.
25. Write stuff down — post-its and napkins are fine. Just write it down.
26. Be honest about how you really feel — with yourself and with others.
PS. Those lovely, airy flowers were photographed by Holly. She happens to be a super talented photog.